Training Communal Land Associations (CLAs)

Training Communal Land Associations (CLAs)

Training Communal Land Associations (CLAs) in Loyoro Sub County on Leadership Skills, Internal Democracy, and Group Dynamics

AFLI, in collaboration with USAID/EWMI Uganda Civil Society Strengthening Activity (CSSA), is implementing a one-year initiative titled “Improving Pastoral Communities’ Engagement in Decision-Making Processes in Mineral Resource Governance (PACED)” in Moroto and Kaabong districts of the Karamoja Region, Uganda. The project aims to enhance the participation of indigenous pastoral communities in decision-making related to mineral resource governance and the equitable sharing of benefits within the mineral extractive industry in Kaabong and Moroto districts.

Today, 9th December 2023 in Loyoro Sub County, AFLI conducted training of Seven CLAs, about 63 CLAs executive members in Loyoro Subcounty, Kaabong District. The primary objective of the training workshop was to enhance the governance capacity of CLAs to effectively fulfill their mandates. Previous AFLI efforts had revealed internal cohesion issues among CLAs, marked by weak feedback and accountability mechanisms. The democratic nature of CLAs, representing the interests and aspirations of clan members, had been compromised, evident in the lack of annual general meetings since their formation. This lack of inclusivity implied that decisions made might not have reflected the best interests of the entire community. Additionally, some crucial documents (minutes, resolutions, registration certificates, and constitutions) were untraceable for certain CLAs, impacting their governance effectiveness.

Furthermore, while CLAs’ executives possessed diverse leadership skills, further development was essential for them to serve their constituencies effectively.

The training was designed to achieve the following objectives:

i. Foster a common understanding of internal governance and leadership gaps within CLAs and devise actionable strategies to address them.

ii. Enhance the leadership skills of CLA executive members.

iii. Provide CLA executive members with an opportunity to share, understand, and practice core group dynamic skills that promote interaction, teamwork, learning, and understanding.

Given the varying literacy levels of CLA members, all sessions employed participatory approaches such as group work, plenary discussions, and experience sharing. The training adhered to adult principles of learning, accommodating participants’ frames of reference and encouraging reflective learning and discussion on internal governance, leadership, and group dynamics issues.

Importantly, trainers facilitated the active sharing of knowledge and experiences, including promising practice models of CLAs’ internal governance. This approach enabled participants to engage in decision-making based on principles of equality, transparency, and accountability.

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