AFLI's Internal Capacity and Partnership Strengthening

To elevate AFLI's impact and resource efficiency, our Capacities are being strengthened by strategically training and re-tooling, cultivating strong partnerships and fostering coalition development, enabling us to effectively address development challenges and amplify collective outcomes aligned with our mission and strategic objectives.

Strategic Actions:

  • Conduct a comprehensive organizational and capacity assessment (OCA) of AFLI's strengths and weaknesses to identify areas requiring enhancement for effective strategic plan implementation.

  • Undertake staff training and upgrade technological infrastructure for organizational development to enhance skills, knowledge, and competencies aligned with AFLI's strategic focus areas.

  • Conduct a thorough analysis and establish a clear criteria and guidelines for identifying potential partners, collaborators, and coalitions aligned with AFLI's values, mission and strategic objectives to enhance mutual benefits.

  • Collaborate with partners to submit joint funding proposals to enhance AFLI's financial sustainability and Cultivate positive relationships with Gov't MDAs, NGOs, academia, influencers, and private sector entities.


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