Improving Pastoral Communities' Engagement Project Launch

Improving Pastoral Communities' Engagement Project Launch

In Moroto district, the project launch took place on March 14, 2023 at Mt. Moroto Hotel attended by district leaders, JLOS actors, Representative of Department of Mining and Geological surveys, community leaders, CSOs, Media houses, and CLAs/CDT members.

In Kaabong district, the project launch took place on March 16, 2023 at Loyoro sub county headquarters attended by Sub County leaders, community leaders, CSO representatives and indigenous people (women, men, youth, elderly and PWDs). In both districts, the target community is appreciating the project interventions as observed from their level of participation and their affirmation statements indicating that AFLI will be the first institution to make them interface with the mining investors.

The launch event enabled dissemination of gender equality & social inclusion (GESI) baseline findings and recommendations on mineral resource governance. Thereby becoming a critical forum for amplifying the indigenous peoples’ concerns on mineral resource governance and range land management issues linking to security, human rights, livelihoods, environment and inclusion. For instance, in Loyoro S/C, the participants were provided with information on their customary land rights and their role in defending as provided for by the law.

Furthermore, AFLI was able to sensitize the participants on mineral licensing process facilitated by the Regional Geologist based in Moroto. The information will be helpful for community actors to improve their engagement in mineral resource governance. The launch meeting enabled clarification on benefits sharing expectations for both local governments and communities, and generated interest to protect the customary land rights of indigenous pastoral communities and desire to fast track the interface meetings with mining companies in Moroto.

Significant to note, in both districts, the stakeholders present generated resolutions, clarified roles in project delivery and made commitments to the aims of the project. In project delivery. The resolutions will serve as guiding posts for mutual accountability, collaboration and reporting for processes and results throughout the project cycle. In Kaabong, they agreed to hold partners coordination meetings for learning, harmonization and building synergy so as to maximize the gains from the project.

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