Speaker Among Blocks Debate Over UK House Lambasting Uganda Parliament Over Anti-Gay Law

Speaker Among Blocks Debate Over UK House Lambasting Uganda Parliament Over Anti-Gay Law

The Speaker of Parliament, Anita Among on Thursday blocked an attempt by some of the legislators to cause a clash between the Ugandan legislature and the United Kingdom’s House of Lords over differences on sexual orientation.

Last year, Uganda’s Parliament passed the Anti-Homosexuality Bill, 2023 which despite warnings from the western world, was signed by President Yoweri Museveni to become law. In early April, 2024, the Constitutional Court of Uganda upheld the legislation after several Ugandans and same-sex activists challenged the Constitutionality of the new law.

Geoffrey Macho, Member of Parliament for Busia Municipality attempted to lure Parliament into debating what was discussed in the UK House of Lords a few days ago. Macho accused Leader of Opposition in Parliament (LOP), Joel Ssenyonyi of traveling to the UK to taint the image of Parliament and the country.

The LOP when they are outside the country, they should keep the image of this country [but] not to go and work in the House of Lords to spoil the name of our country, to solicit money in support of homosexuality, to taint our Parliament because when they taint our leaders, they are tainting us, said Macho.

While legislators on the opposition side jeered at him and some seeking to put him on order, Macho stung them further saying they have always been uncomfortable whenever issues of Anti-Homosexuality law are discussed.

I don’t know why when I talk about the Anti-Homosexuality Law the opposition is disturbed, they become mad about it. I don’t know what interest they have with the gay (people). People should stop being representatives of colonialists in Uganda. Uganda is a sovereign country that needs to operate on its own, added Macho.

A video captured from the House of Lords while debating the Parliament of Uganda’s passing of the Anti-Homosexuality Act has been making rounds on social media. In the video, UK lawmakers are seen tasking their government to tighten the grip on Uganda by issuing more sanctions.

However, Speaker Among, who herself is facing sanctions by the UK government did not open the matter for debate saying what is discussed in other Parliaments does not concern the legislature in Uganda.

Whether whatever issue was discussed about this House, about anybody and about Uganda in another Parliament does not concern us. Let us discuss floods that are affecting the people in Uganda. Let‘s discuss what is happening to ourselves, let’s not mind what neighbours are saying. Let people do their things in their own Parliaments as we do our things in our own Parliament, ruled the Speaker.

In her own case, Among, recently accused the UK government of hiding behind alleged corruption including the Karamoja iron sheets scandal to sanction her and two former Ministers; Mary Goret Kitutu and Agnes Nandutu. The Speaker insisted after the sanctions were announced, that the UK government took action against her for steering the House during the processing and passing of the Anti-Homosexuality Act, 2023.

During the House of Lords debate, some of the lawmakers were accusing Parliament of Uganda of enacting a law that has led to the harassment of sexual minorities.  

Source: Parliament Watch

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