Synthesis Report on Karamoja Regional Strategic Development Plan

Synthesis Report on Karamoja Regional Strategic Development Plan

In March 2023, H.E President Museveni restated to Gen Salim Saleh, CC-OWC the strategic goal of NRM in Karamoja being To end nomadism and subsistence cattle keeping to transition Karamoja to commercial Livestock keeping and crop farming; Minerals and factories based on Value addition to crops, minerals, and livestock. General Salim Saleh therefore tasked AFLI to support OWC and the Karamoja Professional Association, undertake a deeper analysis of existing reports and development plans in the region to propose a new 10-year regional development plan for Karamoja – “the Karamoja We Want“. This was then discussed with the National Planning Authority (NPA) based on the guidelines provided by the President. The synthesis background research report and the Karamoja Regional Development Plan (KRDP)are the basic documents that contain ideas and proposals for moving Karamoja “from crisis to growth”. These were developed as inputs to the NPA 10-year regional development plan for Karamoja.

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