This is an update from the Parliament of Uganda marking the 15th Sitting of the 1st Meeting of the 3rd Session of the 11th Parliament. This Sitting was chaired by the Speaker Rt. Hon. Anitah Among. In her communication, the Speaker wants a reconciliation of the unspent funds that were returned to the Consolidated Fund by different votes. She said failure by votes to utilize their budgets is an indictment of planning functions. Reacting to the Speaker’s communication, Prime Minister Nabbanja Robinah revealed to the House that the President has directed that all monies swept to the Consolidated Fund should be returned in the first quarter of the Financial Year. According to Hon. Xavier Kyooma (MP, Ibanda North, Ibanda, NRM), the amount of money swept to the Consolidated Fund is not what is returned by MoFPED.    Attorney General, Hon. Kiryowa Kiwanuka later presented a statement on the election of LCI and LCIIs. According to the AG, the government is fully seized with the matter and the House will be updated next week with a concrete way forward. He further revealed that the apparent void created by the absence of these administrative units (LC1 and LCII) is being handled. “As we pursue and await the necessary Cabinet and Parliamentary approvals, the immediate recently elected leadership of the administrative units should continue rendering the necessary services to the people.” noted the AG Reacting to the AG’s statement, Hon. Bwanika Abed (MP, Kimaanya- Kabonera Division, Masaka City, NUP)  questioned the rationale to extend the term of Local Councils, saying it is unconstitutional. The LOP on his part said, “The Attorney General has not spoken anything new as far as the law that sets into motion the existence of these Local Councils is concerned”. The Speaker afterward adjourned the House sine die until Government gives a clear position on the election of Local Councils.