Awareness Creation and Advocacy: Media Conversation Outreaches for Indigenous Pastoral People in Karamoja

Awareness Creation and Advocacy: Media Conversation Outreaches for Indigenous Pastoral People in Karamoja

Activity Overview: This initiative aims to empower indigenous pastoral people in Moroto and Kaabong by enhancing their understanding of customary land rights and existing legal frameworks on mineral resource governance through targeted media conversation sessions and outreaches.

Context and Issues: Indigenous communities in these regions have faced significant challenges due to a lack of involvement in decision-making processes related to mineral resource management. There is a notable gap in equitable benefit-sharing from mining activities on their customary grazing lands. Attempts by pastoral communities to establish benefit-sharing agreements with mining companies through Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) have often been ignored or poorly implemented, leading to increased frustration and tension. This exclusion adversely affects their livelihoods, exacerbating vulnerabilities such as poverty, landlessness, famine, and insecurity, particularly among women, youth, the elderly, and grazing communities.

Objectives: To address these challenges, the African Leadership Institute (AFLI) has outlined several key objectives for their media outreach programs:

  1. Education on Legal Rights: To educate indigenous people on their roles and responsibilities under laws governing mineral resources, and to clarify their identity.
  2. Highlighting Local Government Roles: To emphasize the roles of local governments in mineral resource governance and benefit-sharing mechanisms, with a focus on social inclusion.
  3. Enhancing Legal Framework Understanding: To improve the understanding of existing legal frameworks on mineral resource governance among Indigenous people.

Methodology: AFLI is utilizing participatory radio talk shows, hosted by Ateker FM Moroto, a local radio station, to foster public dialogue on mineral resources governance and human rights. These talk shows will engage various stakeholders, including indigenous community members, local government officials, and national authorities.

Implementation: The media conversations will involve:

  • Interactive Platforms: Providing a forum where stakeholders can discuss issues related to mineral resource governance, share experiences, and propose solutions.
  • Community Engagement: Ensuring that both male and female indigenous people, community structures, and duty bearers from targeted sub-counties, districts, and national levels are actively involved.
  • Policy Advocacy: Generating policy issues for advocacy at various levels to ensure better governance and management of mineral resources.

Impact: By creating awareness and advocating for the rights and participation of indigenous pastoral communities, AFLI aims to empower these communities to take a more active role in decision-making processes. This initiative seeks to promote equitable and sustainable development in the Karamoja region.

Partners and Support: This project is made possible through the partnership between AFLI, Ateker FM Moroto, and the Directorate of Geological Survey and Mines – Karamoja Zonal Office, with support from USAID/CSSA.

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