Parliamentary Performance Monitoring and Civic Engagement.

Parliamentary Performance Monitoring and Civic Engagement.

The Parliamentary Performance Scorecard and Civic Engagement Project (PAPSCE) aimed to strengthen Uganda’s democratization process by fostering active and informed citizenry capable of demanding accountable and responsive leadership. This objective was pursued through the following key strategies:

Generation of data: PAPSCE produced evidence-based assessments of the performance of Members of Parliament (MPs) and the institution of Parliament itself. This data served as a foundation for informed civic engagement.

Enhanced civic engagement: The project facilitated constructive interactions between citizens and their elected representatives, fostering a deeper understanding of the legislators’ roles and their performance.

Capacity building: PAPSCE equipped partner organizations with the necessary skills and resources to effectively utilize the scorecard findings and sustain the benefits of civic engagement beyond the project’s donor-funded phase.

Project Alignment: PAPSCE’s objectives directly aligned with AFLI’s longstanding vision of cultivating a stable, democratic, and prosperous society built upon sound public policies championed by capable and accountable leadership.

Impact and Achievements:

Enhanced government accountability: PAPSCE demonstrably contributed to improved government accountability towards citizens in various aspects, including electoral processes, diversification of political engagement, strengthened citizen participation in decision-making, and increased access to information.

Parliamentary recognition of civil society: The project fostered a more collaborative environment, prompting parliament to acknowledge the value added by Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in the legislative domain. This included an increased willingness to engage in public scrutiny.

Operationalizing constitutional principles: PAPSCE’s bold initiative of regularly assessing Parliament and disseminating reports to the public directly supported the constitutional right to access information, further strengthened by the Access to Information Act.

Specific Outcomes:

Improved parliamentary practices: The scorecard served as a catalyst for Parliament to track attendance of committees and plenary sessions by MPs, monitor responses to questions and directives from the Executive, and enhance the productivity of committees through the efforts of the institution’s Monitoring and Evaluation Department.

Adoption of best practices: Inspired by PAPSCE’s approach of recording and transcribing committee proceedings, Parliament implemented this practice for documentation purposes, particularly within accountability committees.

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