Re-establishment of Communal Land Associations

Re-establishment of Communal Land Associations

AFLI supported the re-establishment of the 7 Communal Land Associations in Loyoro sub-county in Kaabong district which had been disbanded by the Ministry of Lands due to illegalities and untraceable formation processes.

Specifically, the clan registers have been verified and updating ongoing with the guidance of Ministry of Lands. The formation of CLA leadership is ongoing as per MoLs CLA formation guidelines. 

AFLI facilitated the issuance of certificates of incorporation to the four CLAs (although these are currently being kept by the district land board (for safe custody) pending certification of CLAs executives which were recently identified.

The other unintended outcome is the establishment of Lotisan sub clan in Loyoro sub county which was formally part of the broader Ngimogoth clan stretching to Moroto. This sub clan has many sub-clans and therefore applied to be granted independence (as a major – 8th clan) which MoLs agreed to provide the necessary guidance too.

The MoLs presence in Kaabong during CLA formation in Loyoro sub county benefited the district land structures who are making a case for more marginalized communities to be reached given the growing mineral rush concerns in the district.

Within a short period, their involvement created desire and interest to expand project activities to other marginalized and cross border communities like the IK occupying Morungole, Sidok and Kamion sub-counties bordering Loyoro sub county. Although unintended, these communities demanded for a meeting with MoLs and hence they too received guidance from MoLs on how to go about the CLAs registration process considering that CLA formation and registration is the only safeguard for pastoral communities’ land in the context of mining rush.

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