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Cross Border Pastoralists Resource Sharing Agreement

June 15, 2024/

The synthesis report provides a background and situation analysis of the Cross-Border Sharing Agreement between the pastoralist communities of Turkana and West Pokot in Kenya and the Karimojong in Uganda. The report identifies the key problems that need to be addressed for these communities to achieve peaceful co-existence and sustainable…

Synthesis Report on Karamoja Regional Strategic Development Plan

June 10, 2024/

In March 2023, H.E President Museveni restated to Gen Salim Saleh, CC-OWC the strategic goal of NRM in Karamoja being To end nomadism and subsistence cattle keeping to transition Karamoja to commercial Livestock keeping and crop farming; Minerals and factories based on Value addition to crops, minerals, and livestock. General…

Executive Order 03 of 2023 On the ‘Balaalo’ – Migrant cattle keepers, and Anti-cattle Rustling efforts in Northern and North-Eastern Uganda.

June 10, 2024/

The arrival of the “Balaalo” – southern migrant cattle farmers into Northern Uganda has been portrayed by some stakeholders as an unwelcome invasion that must all be evicted therefore necessitating HE the President to issue Executive Order 3 of 2023. Yet to the contrary, others still have portrayed them as…

Report On The Joint Security Mission By Kenya And Uganda

June 10, 2024/

The Joint Security Mission between Uganda and Kenya was initiated due to an appeal by the Kenyan President to the Ugandan President, following complaints from a Kenyan MP about the mistreatment and detention of Turkana pastoralists in Uganda. This appeal also called for strict adherence to a 2019 Memorandum of…

Karamoja Rural Economic Transformation

June 10, 2024/

“Erre” production systems have traditionally been crucial for the livelihoods and cultural identities of ‘Erre’ communities while supporting environmental sustainability. However, they face challenges such as climate change, land degradation, resource limitations, and market constraints. To unlock their potential for sustainable livelihoods and environmental conservation, it is essential to recognize…


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